Are you involved in any other exjw community?
You can imagine that an unknown person asking for photos on their first post here may feel a bit odd.
Otherwise, interesting project!
i'm new here, but i've been an ex-witness since 2015 (not disfellowshipped, faded and inactive but no longer believing) and i'm working on an art/personal project gathering the bapstism photos of many different ex-witnesses.
i am asking that anyone who feels comfortable with it send me (private message me) their photos that they or others took on the day of their baptism (before, after, or during).
i will not post these online anywhere or publish them.
Are you involved in any other exjw community?
You can imagine that an unknown person asking for photos on their first post here may feel a bit odd.
Otherwise, interesting project!
what exjw sites could i refer a seeker of true to look at besides this one?.
since this is the only exjw web site that i'm a member of, i would like to make mention of other web sites for people to look at in my book.
i only know of two others.. jw facts and jw survey.
I'm pretty sure I already posted this before: is a huuuge exjw community, and has links to similar communities in different languages.
...this, imo, is just too good to pass up:.
this bit especially made me laugh:.
Yes, it's true. Jehovah will undo all the suffering and misery in Paradise, but not even He can't repair this damage by Kevin McFree
thanks to atlantis, this statement is mentioned on chapter 1 paragraph 1 in the middle.
but i like how the statement says members but the sentence right before has the governing body dudes in a collective whole like voltron here is the paragraph in whole.
1. governing body: the governing body of jehovah's witnesses is made up of brothers who are anointed servants of jehovah god.
That part clearly shows the GB are dictators.
The only ones who don't have to listen to anyone, and don't have to explain themselves to anyone?
Right, the GB
do you support socialism?
is it something that you would want in your country?.
Neither Canada nor the Netherlands are socialist. They are capitalist societies that use all their tax money they would have had to spend on national defense on health care because the U.S. mostly funds NATO
That sounds logical right until you check the numbers and see that USA actually spends a lot more (per capita) on healthcare, and gets much less in return.
Health care in Canada and NL (and many other countries) doesn't just work because they throw more money at it than USA; quite the opposite. The USA healthcare system fails because it's built on the principles of greed and selfishness. Even if they throw more money at it, the system will stay broken and ineffective.
is 607bc being a made up, “plug in” date the only thing that invalidates 1914 from being christ’s time of kingly rein?.
i mean, screw the math & bs formulas.
can 1914 simply work as a starting date for “the last days” simply by the events that occurred??
No. Life and world conditions have improved a lot in the past 200 years, including since 1914.
These are not the worst time ever as the Bible claims the 'last days' would be.
just got the heads up from montreal that 16 congregations will cease to exist from 1 april 2019. also 3 kh are no longer going to be used anymore.
this was a major announcement for many and upsetting.
wonder where the r& f are going to be dispersed with what sacrifices in the way!.
Let me guess....some of these congregations have had issues with child abuse. Dissolving all of them, shuffling the cards, and starting all over with 'new' congregations (legal entities) helps protect Watchtower from the child abuse lawsuit brewing in Canada....?
do you support socialism?
is it something that you would want in your country?.
I have noticed that many people in the USA have no idea what true socialism is, nor what countries are or are not socialist states. Probably their political leaders' fear mongering and the virtue of ignorance are to blame for that.
Norway is not a socialist state. It's a capitalist free market democracy with a social safety net.
Yes, it's a mixed economy (, but not socialism. Perhaps state capitalism ( is a good name, because the Norwegian government chooses not to regulate, but to own shares in some important companies instead.
Anyway, I think USA royally fooked up with unbridled free market capitalism. There is a reason the USA has the highest per capita health expenses, and doesn't even get close with average life expectancy to countries like Poland and Chile, that have much lower per capita health spendings....
on saturday 02-02-2019 german jws got there silver sword.
rumour has it that all of europe received the translation yesterday, because gerrit lösch visited the european branch in selters (germany).
can anyone confirm that?.
Afaik the Netherlands already have it for quite some time.
i have just been informed that there is a 'special letter' to be read at the meetings week of feb 3,2019 in canada.
anybody heard of this!!
just a heads-up!
Dear dubs,
As we have informed you about earlier, Satan is persecuting us by launching a class action suit re. child abuse.
Of course we ABHOR child abuse lawsuits.
Anyway, just so you know, any JW who testifies in this court case and exposes our flaws, will be DFed.
With creepy love,
The old men at the lake.